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Get to Know UWHEN: Annalisa Purser


Planning Committee members like Annalisa are working behind the scenes to ensure the University of Utah's chapter of UWHEN helps more women find success in their careers in higher education.

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Get to Know UWHEN: Jenn Gibbs


The University of Utah's UWHEN chapter members are a diverse group of women committed to helping peers connect with resources to support their professional development. Get to know us through this series of blog posts!

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Have You Experienced Imposter Syndrome?

Woman hiding behind scarf

HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED IMPOSTER SYNDROME? I spoke to a friend yesterday (one of my many peer mentors), and as I was hemming and hawing about the pros and cons of pursuing some opportunity, he stopped me and exclaimed "What is up with you and the imposter syndrome?! You're awesome and a great leader and you can do anything! I don't get it."

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Last Updated: 12/12/23