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Reality Check: Navigating your career path

Hand holding a compass

One of the things I often hear from women on campus (particularly those who are not tenure-track faculty), is that they are unsure of how to navigate their career path. Do you wait for someone to tap you on the shoulder? Try to move up in your own organization? Move to another one? These questions (and more) don't have one definitive answer and, like most things, are context-dependent. Below is a quick story of navigating my own career path, which you will see has not been a straight line...(and in my opinion, rarely is).

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Peers Can Be Great Mentors

With Penn Peers at Graduation

For most of us, when we picture a mentor, our minds go to an older, wiser colleague or friend who has decades more experience. However, I’ve found that some of my most valuable mentors have been peer mentors.

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Have You Experienced Imposter Syndrome?

Woman hiding behind scarf

HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED IMPOSTER SYNDROME? I spoke to a friend yesterday (one of my many peer mentors), and as I was hemming and hawing about the pros and cons of pursuing some opportunity, he stopped me and exclaimed "What is up with you and the imposter syndrome?! You're awesome and a great leader and you can do anything! I don't get it."

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Last Updated: 12/12/23