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Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair


Leadership is often tested in calm waters, but it's truly forged in the wave of trials. When storms of challenge and uncertainty roll in, it's a leader's unwavering resolve and strategic navigation that guides teams through choppy waters to calmer shores. As much I’d love to paint the picture of our teams calmly floating into the sunset every time - leadership is not always smooth sailing. Inevitably, storms will brew, waves will crash, and the once clear skies will turn ominous. It's in these moments, our true leadership skills are tested.

So, how does one navigate choppy waters and not just stay afloat, but become stronger? Here are some skills I have been working through:

  • Keep Calm: I try to stay positive and hopeful, the more I do this in moments of calm the more natural it feels when waves come. Attitude is contagious, so projecting positivity and hope for the future matters. Panic is also infectious. Instead of panic, take a deep breath, assess the situation with a clear head, and communicate a sense of calm determination.
  • Maintain Clear Communication: Communication has been my lifeline and transparency breeds trust. Keeping teams informed, addressing concerns promptly, and being transparent about situations, even if the news is tough, empowers myself and others to contribute at our best. Culture can (and should) be created where communication is a two-way street through listening to each other’s fears, ideas, and suggestions.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Progress, no matter how big, is a cause for celebration during wild times. In “Dare to Lead,” Brené Brown said, “We’ve got to stop and celebrate one another and our victories, no matter how small.” Celebrating our small wins keeps the team's morale high and reinforces our belief that we will overcome any obstacle. Simple acts of appreciation such as a pat on the back, a shared laugh, or a sincere "thank you" can go a long way to recognizing the team's efforts, keeping spirits high, and reminding us all that progress is being made.

Above all, take care of yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup! Please take care of your own physical and mental health so that you can be there for your team. In addition, encourage your team to care for their needs as well.

Waves and storms are moments that strengthen our leadership skills forging resilience, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination. Leaders who navigate these challenges with courage, grace, and wisdom not only see their teams through to calmer waters, but also emerge stronger, more respected, and even more capable. So, the next time the storm clouds gather, remember, a true leader may seek shelter; but she might also raise the sails and steer her team through the waves.


Your Chair,

Sara Cody

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Last Updated: 2/27/24