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Taking Time

Have you wanted to level up in your career at the U but your day-to-day work is taking all your time and energy?

 Careers plateaus happen—and they aren’t necessarily bad. They can allow you to consolidate gains, rebuild strength after a major change, deepen your current level of mastery, and free energy for growth in other areas of life. But if stagnation is setting in, try taking one very small step this month.

 Psychologists talk about stages of change, which include “contemplation” and “determination” phases in which you get mentally and physically prepared to take action. Typically, they’re talking about lifestyle changes such as improving health habits, but the model of change applies to career behaviors as well. And can be just as easy to get stuck pondering career growth as contemplating eating less sugar or using that membership to the Student Life Center.

 One of the best ways to get unstuck is to take a small, simple action. By small, I mean small. As in set a goal you’re sure you can reach, and then cut it in half. Then cut it in half again. (Thanks for this tip, Martha Beck!)

 For instance, a few years ago, I didn’t know what I wanted to do next. Go back to the academic line I’d worked in before kids? Carry on as staff? Leave Higher Ed altogether? My indecision had me puttering along with a status quo that was fine for the short term—but I sensed that unless I got clear on my vision, I was going to be selling myself short down the road. But with two kiddos and a job I loved (for the time being) my plate was full.

 Rather than take a big leap that I didn’t have the energy, time, or information to take just then, I took a very small, easy step: I attended my first UWHEN state conference.

 I left that event not with a plan but with a strong sense that I truly love working in Higher Education and an awareness of career growth options I had never considered. From there, the next small action, then the next appeared—with my vision, my motivation, my skills, and my career plan growing along the way.

 So, what might your next small action be? Connecting with other fun, interesting people at a Coffee and Conversation event or grabbing some free nachos and the beverage of your choice at a Women at the U Social? Boosting knowledge and skills in a professional development workshop? Tapping into a mentoring opportunity such as UPEEPS?

 Whatever it is, one small, perfectly do-able action may be all you need to start climbing off your plateau and toward your next career goal—with the U’s Chapter of UWHEN here to cheer you along the way.

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Last Updated: 12/12/23