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Create a "Happy" Folder

I honestly can’t remember where I first heard this tip, but one of the best and simplest things I’ve ever done at work – to keep morale up, to ensure I maintain awareness of my strengths, and to prepare for development conversations with my supervisor – is to create a “Happy” folder in Outlook.  (To be honest, when I first heard the tip, I think it was to create a FILE folder in your cabinet…oh, how times have changed!)

What is a Happy folder, you ask?  Well, simply put, it’s a folder I create in my Outlook inbox, called “Happy” (see below; I called mine Z-Happy in this Outlook for filing purposes/alphabetizing).  In this folder, I put emails from others (or even some I write to myself) that make me Happy and remind me of my accomplishments.

I’ve done this at every job I’ve had since I graduated from college, and it has always been valuable.  Mess something up at work?  Give yourself a boost by reading emails in your Happy folder!  Having a bad day?  Cheer on up with some Happy folder love!  Excited to pursue an opportunity, but need to put together your application TODAY?  No problem – you’ve got it all there in your Happy folder.

Here are a few excerpts from items in my Happy folder (minor edits made to maintain confidentiality):

“I owe you mad thanks. You were the only voice that made me do this. I had the best morning and it is mainly due to your supportive voice. Thanks for being there for me!”

“Aww, Ruchi!! This just made a great day even better. Thank you so much for these kind words and for sharing them. Today’s event was so much fun, I loved the energy and excitement, and I’m super excited about getting to do this again. Thank you again!!”

“I was just going over our website and the press releases of late. Just wanted to say that it all looks great. I appreciate the timely updates and work that is being done. We look very good from an outsider coming in. Thank you for your efforts.”

“Thank you for all of your help with this! Your oversight and help with the budgeting and overall strategy has been invaluable. Thanks!”

“Thanks Ruchi!  You really are the BEST!”


Ahhh, doesn’t that feel GOOD?  Now, go create your own Happy folder right now!


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Last Updated: 12/12/23